Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Carpe Diem

Okay, Carpe Diem...hmmm wish I could create like this every day!

I created this necklace for the B'Sue's FUF (finish up Friday) project a few weeks ago.

I'm trying to brain storm for our Build a Line Challenge. I had lots of ideas that I scribbled into my "Design Ideas" book, but when I sat down to begin - squat! I ended up making a sympathy card for my daughter in law and son, whom recently lost their cat Shadow to cancer.

So, easy to say ~~~~~ Carpe Diem = but to act upon it ....not so easy.

Some days when I sit down to create, I can crank out creations; like rolls in a bakery. And then, there are those "other" days....oh the dreaded "other" days!

Now off to bed I go - I hope and pray sweet visions of necklaces, bracelets and earrings dance within my head!
My Daughter Chelsea Noelani ~*


  1. Great blog! Love the piece you made and your words on many cteative ideas all at once and then nada!! So sorry about Shadow, but we get to see all our beloved animals again! <3

    1. Thank you WilyWolverine! Yes it comes in tidal waves and then a low tide!

      My son had given Shadow to his wife Erica when she was 17 years old and they had him for 14 years! So that's the good part.

  2. It's funny how creativity flows, Sandra. Love this post.
